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Thank you so much for teaching [my daughter] this year! We truly appreciate everything you did for her! She learned so much and will be well prepared for the future :-) Thank you for your dedication and hard work. I know I was very 'hands off' this year (except for finding that AP testing site haha), but I could do that because I knew [my daughter] was in very capable hands!!!


[Update after the AP exam]

Just wanted to let you know that [my daughter] got a 5 on the AP exam. We are both super, super excited! When we were going to SC for her to test, we didn't even know if it was going to be worth the time with so many changes happening to the exam at the last minute. Thank you for preparing her so well! I wasn't sure if the AP was making themselves obsolete, but as of right now, the schools she is looking at will count that for 6 credit hours, so that is fabulous news. I am so grateful to have my children reading and analyzing great literature under your watchful & inspiring eye instead of just taking a random course at the community college too. Have a wonderful summer and thanks again! 

CF | Parent of

AP English Language Student

Hello Dr. Glover,

Thank you very much!! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this class and am looking forward to AP Senior Writing with you during my senior year (the 2023-2024 school year). Thank you for all your help this year - enjoy your summer Dr. Glover!!!

LR | Student

AP English Language

My daughter is graduating so we won’t be enrolling in any more classes. But, I wanted to take a minute to let you know how impactful your organization has been for us. [My daughter] really loves the classes/teachers she has experienced at BTO and feels well-prepared for her next steps. The asynchronous format has allowed her to tackle the highest level of academic challenge while also training 30 hours per week as a pre-professional ballerina. Yours is really the only ‘school’ that would have facilitated this arrangement. We’re so grateful and wish you best luck in the future!

SD | Parent of BTO Student

Thank you for your excellent teaching of [my son] this year.  We are very pleased with his growth in thinking and writing.  Your class has been an essential piece of his maturation. We are grateful for you!

AB  | Parent of BTO Student

Thank you, Dr. Glover, for a wonderful senior English class. It was just exactly what [my daughter] needed this year; she stretched and grew as a reader, writer, and thinker, but in a way that was balanced and not overwhelming. We appreciate your meaningful assignments and high expectations with concrete and actionable feedback. Bravo for a class well-taught!

SD | Parent of BTO Student

Although Mrs. Lisa's English was challenging in high school, I have been able to see the benefits in college. Her English class has prepared me for all of my writing assignments so far in college. I have felt well-advanced and well-prepared in my English classes and feel confident for any future writing assignments. Mrs. Lisa’s writing assignments were engaging, and I looked forward to learning what was expected each time. The great thing about Mrs. Lisa is that she takes the time to truly read each word of a completed assignment. Her feedback allowed me to improve and become the writer that I am today. Throughout high school, my writing drastically improved because I used her feedback to grow in my writing abilities. I highly recommend Mrs. Lisa.

LA | Student

In Mrs. Glover’s English class I learned to move beyond the basics of writing papers while also learning how to assemble a paper properly. When I first started Mrs. Glover’s English class, I did not understand how to properly write or structure a paper; however, Mrs. Glover’s teachings helped me improve dramatically. During her class, I also learned how to edit my writing, which was a skill I desperately needed. Mrs. Glover made it clear to me that I could be a good writer, and her support helped me gain confidence in myself. We were always given clear instructions and always knew what she expected of us. Mrs. Glover is the most caring teacher I have ever met, and she was always there for all of her students when help was needed. I still use everything she has taught me, and I owe all my writing skills and improvement to her teaching. Mrs. Glover is truly a great and caring teacher who only wants the best for her students.

JB | Student

Mrs. Glover’s English class was where I learned the basics of writing and how to structure papers. We learned how to write thesis statements, use in-text citations, and write a variety of essays (compare/contrast, research, reflections, etc.). I gained confidence in my writing that I lacked before taking English with Mrs. Glover. She always provided clear rubrics and gave detailed feedback that encouraged growth. As a student about to go to North Carolina State University, I feel more than prepared for the papers and other written assignments I will have to complete. In addition to her quality academic instruction, Mrs. Glover inspired me to pursue a career in education. I am grateful for the concepts I learned about English along with her sincere advice and mentorship. You cannot find another teacher who cares more for their students’ success in life and in the classroom than Mrs. Glover.

HD | Student

In Mrs. Glover’s English classes I was able to learn the fundamentals for writing a wide variety of papers. Of particular importance was learning the techniques for writing effective research papers. I have used those skills in all of my college level writing assignments at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Through her classes, I learned how to write successful thesis statements and how to more effectively organize my essays. Mrs. Glover always gave great feedback on papers to improve my writing. If I ever had difficulty in the writing process, Mrs. Glover was always available to help and give advice for how to improve my essays. In addition, she always provided clear rubrics and instructions, which again helped prepare me for large research papers and projects. Mrs. Glover’s English class was one of the most important classes I have taken.

DD | Student


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