Partnering with Families
Since 2010, Blue Tent instructors have been partnering with families who seek robust and engaging classes. A variety of class levels and formats offer flexibility to students as they create their academic and extracurricular schedules.
​ A Community of Friends
Students work closely with their teachers and peers at Blue Tent. They turn on webcams in live classes and get to know each other. They come and go daily in their online classrooms where instruction, resources, assignments, and feedback are served up--and where discussions are active and ongoing.

Online Classrooms
We use Moodle for our
online classrooms and ZOOM for live and recorded instruction.
Classes are password-protected. Parents and mentors can request their own accounts to view their student's grade pages.

​Your Source for a Strong Core

We offer a wide range of high school math classes at all levels and in live and self-paced formats.
Zoom study halls or Google calendar bookings
are available to live and self-paced students for one-on-one help.
Students pop in and out of study halls or use them to do homework, knowing their teacher is a click away.
Our full-year English classes begin with Intro to Lit for advanced 8th graders and take students all the way to AP English or Advanced Senior English.
Our Aspiring Authors Club offers a venue for budding story tellers and more serious novelists.

An array of regular, honors, and AP science classes offer students live and asynchronous options.
All of our science classes include a combination of virtual and hands-on labs.
We Understand Homeschoolers.
Because We've Traveled the K-to-College Journey.

Blue Tent Teachers
Blue Tent instructors all have
individual connections to home schooling. And we have backgrounds and experience in the subjects we teach.
We understand the needs and challenges of home schooling students and parents. Learn about us in our
Live Online Classes That Are Truly Live
Our live classes aren't just a teacher's voice behind PowerPoint slides.
In our classes, webcams stay on.
Students interact with their teachers and their classmates--visibly and verbally. And they often collaborate in Zoom breakout rooms.
AP and NCAA Approved
Since 2010, Blue Tent AP courses have been approved by the College Board.
Year in and year out, our students crush the national norms for 4's and 5's on their AP exams
For student-athletes, our
core courses are
approved by the NCAA.

7228 Mt. Pleasant Rd.
Willow Spring, NC 27592