Human Anatomy & Physiology
The Fine Print
Course Goals
To study the relationship that exists among the eleven body systems
To learn the different characteristics of organs within each body system and their contribution to a state of homeostasis within the body
To explain the cellular processes involved in the maintenance of stable internal conditions within organisms
To explain the processes and structures involved in the processes of digestion and nutrient absorption and how these processes allow organisms to both acquire energy and maintain homeostasis
To review case studies, critically analyze different disease processes and possible treatments, and report your findings in a scientific manner
To respond to feedback and revise course assignments
To actively participate in on-line class discussion forums, collaborating and providing encouragement to homeschool peers
Course Resources
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 7th or 8th ed., Scanlon
Kaplan Anatomy Coloring Book, 7th ed. by Stephanie McCann and Eric Wise, ISBN 978-1506250274
Optional: Hardback copy of the class text can be purchased on own or borrowed through Blue Tent OnLoan
Lab Resources and Supplies
Colored pencils
Custom lab kit | ​Ordering information will be provided by the instructor | Cost: approx: $170
Please note: a microscope is not included in the lab kit.
eMind simulations and tutorials (cost included in lab kit)​
Common lab supplies | a list of supplies that can be purchased at your grocery store will be provided.
Technical Resources
A free phone/computer scanning app (such as CamScanner and Adobe Scan)