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AP Calculus AB
The Fine Print

Course Goals

  • To offer a multifaceted approach to calculus: students will learn to express concepts, results, and problems graphically, numerically, analytically and verbally.

  • Students will learn to use technology to help experiment, solve problems, interpret results, and support conclusions. We will use graphing calculators and Desmos (an online graphing program) towards this end.

  • Students will learn problem-solving techniques that will maximize computational efficiency while minimizing computational errors.


The course is organized around the following foundational concepts of calculus:

  • I. Limits: Students will gain a solid, intuitive understanding of limits and be able to compute one-sided limits, limits at infinity, infinity limits and the limit of a sequence.

  • II. Derivatives: Students will learn to use different definitions of the derivative and be able to apply derivative rules and properties. Students will also become familiar with a variety of real-world applications of the derivative, including related rates, optimization, and growth and decay models.

  • III. Integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: Students will gain a firm understanding of area, volume and motion applications of integrals as well as the use of the definite integral as an accumulation function. The relationship between integration and differentiation as expressed in the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus will also be emphasized.



  • Students should have successfully completed the high school math sequence: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2/Trigonometry, and Precalculus. 

  • If you did not take Trigonometry/Precalculus, or have only taken Integrated Math 1,2,3, a Precalculus class is strongly recommended before you take AP Calculus AB.

  • Students must be familiar with all advanced topics in algebra, trigonometry, analytic geometry, elementary functions: linear, polynomial, rational, transcendental (trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic), inverse functions, and piece-wise defined functions.




Course Resources

Text & Interactive Resources
  • Required: Digital Resources $65 purchased through Blue Tent include:

    • an ebook of Calculus for AP, 2nd edition, by Ron Larson

    • WebAssign homework platform

  • Optional:

    • A hardback copy of of the class text may be purchased on own or borrowed through Blue Tent OnLoan.​


  • Required

  • TI-84 series or TI-Nspire series 

    • Whatever you have used for high school math is fine.

    • If you are looking to purchase your first college-level graphing calculator, Dr. Yen encourages the TI-Nspire CAS for its ease of use and capabilities.

  • See the Calculators | Microscopes section of our FAQ.


Other Resources
  • ​AP Classroom | a free databank of past exam questions

  • CalcChat | a website containing step-by-step solutions to all odd-numbered exercises in the text. Students have the option to chat with a tutor during hours posted at the site.

  • CalcView | a free website containing video solutions of selected exercises in the text. Students can scan QR codes with their smartphones to go from problems to video solutions.

  • | a free online graphing program for use in sections involving equations of lines and algebraic functions

  • Larson Calculus for AP | a free companion website to the text offering multiple supplementary tools and resources

  • Zoom | a free teleconferencing application


Technical Resources

  • Required:

    • A reliable internet connection

    • A computer with a web-cam

    • A working microphone

    • A free phone/computer scanning app (such as CamScanner and Adobe Scan)

  • Recommended:

    • Earbuds or a headset with a microphone (a built-in computer microphone will work if needed)


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